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发布时间:2022-03-04 14:13:28      发布人:小编  浏览量:

王建平山东济南人, 1989年参加“新、马、泰、香港中国画展”,作品《外骼》获全国庹告作品展三等奖。国画《往事
    自1 996年以来,先后多次应邀进京,为党和国家领尊人、国外友人以及中宣部、国家外事办等现埸作画,屡获殊荣。国
               a_ng Jianping ,was born in JiNan ,the capital of Shan Dong province. In 1989,He
took part in the Chinese Paintings Exlubition which included the works from Singapore ,
 Malaysia ,Thailand and Hong Kong .The piece ofwork called " Foreign Currency "won the
durd grade prize in the Chinese Exhibition ofAdvertisement. The Chinese paintings called
 "Things of the Past go through  One Thousand Years" won the copper prize and finallv was
published as a coUection of Chinese paintings. In 1995, his works got the favorable review
 in The -llurd Volta International Exhibition of Calligraphy and P:untings. At the same year
 ,the Chinese painting of "Scenes of the Nordi "  won  the first grade prue when he took part
 in the Calligraphic and Painting Exhibition to Celebrate the Triumph ofAnti Japanese War
 and Anti Fascist War for Fifty Years. In the nact year ,the piece of work called "Picturesque
Motherland " was seleaed in the Shan Dong Calligraphic and Painting Exhibition to Cel-
 ebrate the E,stabl_ishment of Commurust Party of China for Sevenry -five Years .At the same
year ,the Chinese painting "Sun Yat-sen" was collected and kept by The Calligraphic and
Paunting Exhibition to Celebrate the Birth of Sun Yat-sen for One Hundred and Thirty
Years which was held by The Association for Sun Yat-Sen's Calligraphy and Paintings of
 Shan Dong. In  1997, one of his works called "Work Hard to Cast into The Great Cause"
won the third grade prize in the Chinese Graphic Exhibition ro Celebrate Hong Kong 's
Rerurn, later ,the works was collected and kept by the local government of Hong Kong .
What s more ,the piece of work called "March in Spring " was collected in "The Calli-
 graphic Colleaion to Celebrate the Emanapation ofji Nan for Fifty Years."  In 1999, he got
the gold prize in the Fifth Volta International Calligraphic and Painting Exhibition .In
2000, in order to memorize the 2250th  birthday  ofConfuaus   ,he composed a series of
pictures and finallv published them..
     From 1996 ,Wang Jianping have been often imited to go to Beijing to make drawing on
the site for  leaders ofstate and political party ,foreign friends and so on . he has exceUent
skill in paintings and people think highly oflus works. Many imponant persons are willing
 to inscribe for lus works and one man shows, for example ,one of the leaders ofgovemment
named  He Nuli ,  one leader of Shandong government named Su Yiran and so on. The
Chinese painting caUed "the song of strong wind" was collected and kepr by He Ge Shan
City in Japan .The piece of work called "Bright  Spring  Days"  was collected by Chinese
Ambassador to Washington .What s more, the piece ofwork c:alled "Beaur)r u-as collected
and kepr by Chinese Consulare ro Al<:xander of Egypr .
     Now, he is one of the researchers ofChinese Culture and Art Association ,a member of
Clunese Artists Association ,rhe first class stare painter, the member of Shan dong Artists
iauon ,the painter ofShan dong Painting College and the nuna8in8 direffr)t of hi-
wa.n International Literati and Artists Assoaation .





